
Shifting the sentiment on menopause

This Women’s Health Week, we’re raising awareness of menopause and some of the symptoms women experience during this period of their lives.

Did you know…?

  • Around a third of women experience very minimal symptoms, another third will have life-changing debilitating symptoms, and the remainder have a varied response.
  • 73% of women say stress and anxiety were higher during menopause.
  • And 70 percent of women don’t feel comfortable talking about menopause at work.

At St John WA, we’re committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of our team members, especially during significant life transitions like menopause.

As part of our commitment to women’s health, we’re working towards receiving ‘menopause-friendly employer status’ or our Menopause Friendly Accreditation. With this, we will have the resources and tools to better support women during this time in their lives and foster a workplace where women feel comfortable having conversations about their symptoms, how it is affecting them at work, and what we can do to help.

At St John GP, we’re dedicated to supporting women through all stages of life, including the transition of menopause. Our healthcare professionals are equipped to offer personalised advice and treatments that cater to your individual needs. Whether you need help managing symptoms, or just want to learn more about how to maintain your health during menopause, we’re here to help.

Find out more about our women’s health services here or book an appointment here with one of our healthcare professionals.

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