st john health – dental week

Dental Health Week 2024: Let’s Talk about Gums

At St John Dental, we’re serious about your oral health. This week is Dental Health Week and the theme for this year is ‘Let’s talk about gums’, so we’re sharing our top tips to protect your smile.

Gum disease is increasingly becoming associated with chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, but it can be present for many years without any symptoms.

A bad taste or smell associated with the mouth can be an indicator of gum disease but often by the time this happens the disease is more advanced and can be harder to treat.

Our top tips for oral health are:

  • Brush at least twice per day, preferably after breakfast and just before bed.
  • Floss at least once a day, before you brush.
  • Avoid sugary foods or try to brush as soon as possible afterwards.
  • Avoid smoking and vaping – both of these habits can increase your risk of gum disease.
  • Book regular dental health checks – every six months is recommended.

At St John Dental, we believe your dental treatment should be comfortable and easy, and we offer a range of dental services for the whole family.

With dental clinics across Perth open six days a week, we want to make your visit to the dentist as easy as possible.

Book an appointment today and let us help your smile shine.

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