st john health - men’s health week 2024

Men’s Health Week is a Call to Make Change

Men’s Health Week 2024, running from June 10 – 16, is an international initiative aimed at highlighting the various factors contributing to men’s wellbeing.

St John WA (SJWA) is dedicated to promoting the importance of men taking care of their health, both physical and mental.

Throughout the week, numerous organisations will share valuable resources and reminders with the goal of inspiring men to take a proactive approach to their health care and influence the next generation to develop healthy habits.

Dr. Sid Samanta, SJWA Head of General Practice, said he hopes the week creates a change in how men look at their health.

“We need to see a social change where men take the initiative to approach their GP, without coaxing from loved ones.” Dr Sid said.

Some of the simpler ways men can look after their health include:

  • Never be afraid to use your GP as a first port of call.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Be physically active, small changes in activity can have a major impact.
  • Focus on managing and reducing stress.
  • Work on getting good quality sleep.

Making small changes and working towards these goals can make a tangible impact on overall health.

“The behaviours that you exhibit will hopefully have a real good outcome on the rest of the members of your family and potentially future generations.” Dr Samanta said.

Historically men’s mental health has taken a back seat, but recent initiatives from organisations such as Men’s Shed, Movember, and Beyond Blue seek to change that.

A change Dr Sid welcomes.

“The door is open to talk about mental health, it’s a judgment free zone and it’s somewhere where you should feel protected to speak your mind and seek the help you need.”

Throughout the week Dr Sid will be sharing his insights into men’s health across social media, and you can find more information on Men’s Health Week on Good Health Heroes.

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